Sunday, January 26, 2014


Hi everyone.  First I wanted to thank all of you who came to the circle last night. You are all such bright shining ones!

Second a purification ceremony (lodge) has been asked for and soon. In fact next SATURDAY FEB 1st is the date. I most always do this ceremony in the evening as it just feels right to do so. The time of the actual door is at 7:00pm.This means the fire tenders and anyone who would like to be a part of learning about tending or just be a part of what goes on needs to be at the house by 4:30pm. If you come earlier I will put you to work helping out in other ways!!!  Otherwise, if not coming to the starting of the fire,  please show up at least 40 min before we go in...but an hour is best.

The fire will be lit as close to 5:00pm as is possible.

I never know how long we will be in so do not schedule anything for later that evening because you most likely won't make it! Also if you need to spend the night please bring the following;

Sleeping bag or blankets, mat and pillow
  food for your breakfast in the morning
  and anything else that you may need to stay over , contacts, meds

There will be coffee and tea available but I will NOT be preparing anyone breakfast:)

And please try to leave for home no later than 11am as I do need my down time....BIG thanks in advance!

This lodge will be just for the women of this circle. I will be doing an open one in the near future.

If you are on your moon  you may come and help with the food but you may not be around the lodge or fire until we are are just WAY to powerful on your moon...oh yes you sure are!!!

I will be sending out an email to the circle women today to give you any other information you may need.

From my Heart to Yours

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Look Up:)

Today and for many days now I have noticed very deeply that the energy around me is different. Not sure how to explain  "different." But it feels thicker at times yet fluid. Fluid as in warm water but just a bit heavier. Am I making sense? Probably not. But if you are experiencing anything like this you will understand.

I have been reading books on Frank Fools Crow. I had read one of them once before but this time around feels like I have never read one word and I know I have. I am astonished by what he was able to do and his humbleness. I believe he is/was a holy man. I wish I could have met him but right now I feel as if I have. My work with lodges has changed for me just by reading this work. I have been praying for this change and here it is. I can not and am not able to tell you what the changes are because I am just unable to do so. But if you attend one of these ceremonies in the future and you have been in with me before you will know the difference for you.

I hope that all of you will Look Up once in a while. There is a whole world that lives in the air and they are just waiting for you to look up!

From my Heart to Yours.

Walks With Me Woman

Thursday, January 2, 2014

In Addition....

I also wanted to let you all know that if you would like to come try the Women's Circle out for this month  please do. You will not be pushed into being a part of this group but you might like to come and see what we could be all about! I may extend this to Feb too as I know many of you are interested but won't be able to make the upcoming Jan one.:)